Higher Ed & Test Prep
Higher Education
Accredited online programs for all degrees in higher education. The site also links to information for accredited K-12 and vocational online programs.
Fastweb helps connect students to scholarships, colleges, financial aid and more.
Oklahoma College Start, as the name implies, is the place to start if you are an Oklahoma who wants to go to college. There are resources for planning for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and information for educators, parents, and adults returning to school. This includes choosing a school, a major, securing financial aid, and more.
A collection of scholarship opportunities for college, including a section of "weird scholarships," those that are less heard of and can often go unclaimed.
Test Preparation
The official site of the ACT test company, this site offers free study aids and practice tests for each of the test topics.
A free resource for those considering pursuing military service and want to prepare for the ASVAB [Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery] exam.
A no-cost site for training and practice tests for individuals interested in obtaining their CNA [certified nursing assistant] certificate.
March2Success provides an online study program to help students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials.
Free information about and practice tests for the GED [General Equivalency Degree] Exam for those who did not receive a high school diploma.
Created by the makers of the SAT, each of the eight practice tests has the same types of questions you'll see on exam day. Four of the practice tests have even previously been given as actual SAT exams.